Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm gonna live, I'm alright; I'm gonna die, it's alright, I'm okay

3 miles this morning and all is just fine. I was planning to do four, but I had to poop like half a mile in to the run, so I cut it short. Pooping is always a valid excuse!! Time was 35:50, 11:57/mile. The good thing is that I felt quite good the whole time, enjoyed my music and the weather, and just felt much better. Of course, yesterday I was carrying an awfully heavy heart, which will slow anyone down, really.

Chris apologized again this morning, quite profusely, and said he felt bad about it all day long yesterday, which I know he did. He said he was just being thoughtless, and I agreed. He is hiking this morning and I asked him to perhaps take some time while hiking to reflect on his priviledge. I explained how when he goes out for a jog, he is just some guy, normal weight, totally anonymous with nothing to be concerned about. When I go out for a jog, it is literally an act of social rebellion which requires a bit of courage on my part every time I do it (and sometimes more than a bit, particularly when I've had some stupid and thoughtless comment hurled at me by someone, ahem). So, yes I am a bit sensitive about it, and even though I KNOW he was not being intentionally hurtful, but just thoughtless, but even a thoughtless remark about such a sensitive subject is hurtful. He listened and I think he will do it (reflect on it, I mean), but his comment to me was very interesting, he said "I just would not have thought that you would still be having those battles." My answer to him was "ALWAYS. I will always be fighting those battles."

Anyways, he is sorry, he feels terrible and I am feeling much better now that we talked it out, so we can all put our pitchforks away.

Title of the post comes from "That's Some Dream" by a band called Good Old War. They have a very Simon and Garfunkel sound going, although this song is the only one I found that is good to run to.

I added a list of blogs I read, most of them I found through links on other people's blogs, so I thought I should return the favor. They are funny and awesome.

Stats for the week:

Treadmill running: 7
Outside Running: 10.1
Total miles moved: 17.1

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