Monday, April 12, 2010


Ok so I swam a mile tonight. Pretty happy with that. Am quite tired. Came home and ate like a hog. I don't know how to manage the hungries that come after a good workout. I mean, I had some pasta and a protein smoothie, and then about 10 nestle crunch eggs. Sigh.

Mari, so awesome that you're going at lunch!

On a funny note, I bought some of that Activia at the store yesterday thinking it would be good breakfast and might help regularize me. K ate all four of them after school today (I know, what a complete turd). But she was in the bathroom for about an hour tonight. HAHAHAHA!!! That'll teach you to pig out on mom's food! LOL.


  1. You know, I have to tell you..... I have started saving a protein shake for the evening hour, about one or two hours before dinner is when I have it. And it REALLY helps. It helps make me feel okay and not so hungry that I feel like I need to eat everything in the house. I also try to have one right after a work out, Missy gave me that advice and that also seems to work pretty well. And I get the protein shakes that are 110 calories, so it's not too many calories to be fitting in.

    Yeah, sounds like Kailey learned one of the hard lessons....never eat mom's high fiber food. Followed closely by the also important lesson of never using mom's tampons.

  2. Also, I am like a woman possessed right now, trying to get rid of these damn five pounds. 1300 calories a day, and this morning I am down to 204.4.


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