Saturday, January 31, 2009

No Pain No Gain

but this is ridiculous. Last night I ran 6 miles, and while I ran the whole way, it was exceedingly more painful than Weds. To the extent that I am not going to run today because its so important to allow the body to recover after a long run. I think I will make my long run tomorrow and do a run/walk. Or maybe attempt the 6 again. Its gonna be a long 3 mos. I had fully intended to take myself to dinner and a movie last night after running. But after settling on the couch I realized I wouldn't be moving much. I took a long scalding hot bath and watched a movie in bed. I could only gather strength to eat two microwaved potatoes and a bag of famous amos. I need to do better about my eating because good fuel is so important when training, especially protein. I got some good protein bars at Costco yesterday so that will help.

On another note, we must solve the poop problem.


  1. Two potatoes and a bag of cookies????That really made me laugh.

  2. About the poop problem. I am having a tablespoon of psyllium fiber in my protein shake. I found that when I added that to my diet, I go once a day, in the morning and problem solved as long as I go before running.

  3. what the hell is psyllium? I started taking citrucel today, hopefully that will regularize me


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