Sunday, January 31, 2016

Alright Already With The Damn Yoga!

I did a yoga class today. One of my goals was to do yoga twice a week, since Sandy is so convinced of its benefits, and really twice a week doesn't seem so bad.  It was a good class. I think the mistake I was making before was I was running first, before the class. So then the class would be hard and exhausting and I would be sweating buckets when nobody else seemed to be. But doing just yoga is also unacceptable, it doesn't feel like enough of a workout to me, and I end up just feeling like I wasted time standing around in stupid poses. So maybe the key is what I did today.... First yoga, then run three miles (with liberal walk breaks because hey, I just did yoga!). 

Anyway, judging from the various smells, I can confirm that sandy is not the first person to ever fart in a yoga class. In fact,  I'm wondering if it's some kind kind of a requirement. 

Also, a couple of the poses make me feel like I am choking on my boobs and I'm not sure how to correct for that. And "Hey, I feel like I'm choking on my boobs, how do I correct for that?" doesn't seem like a wise thing to ask in a new yoga class. Even the people farting would probably look at you funny. 

Amyway, what I liked about this class too is that you are invited to go ahead and leave early if you don't want to participate in the last ten minutes of meditation. And since that is the part of the class that tends to annoy me the most, it makes me happy to be able to get out without feeling like I'm being rude. 

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is like wringing your body out like a dishrag. And what gets wrung out is often foul.


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