Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dr. Feelgood

I don't need no doctor
-Peter Frampton

Here's a conversation I had with my favorite doctor of philosophy.

Me:  My foot hurts
Her:  Sounds like a stress fracture
Me:  Why do you say that?
Her:  I don't know.  You run.  Your foot huts.  Sounds bad

OK.  So despite this fictional diagnosis I decided to go to the gym today.  Inspired by sightings of Brett Michaels and weird treadmill people, I signed up for a FREE 3 day pass to a gym.  So I go to the gym and meet Eric who reads the price sheet to me to join and starts his textbook high pressure pitch.

Me:  I think I'll work out first and then decide
Eric:  Oh - well then it's $15
Me:  It says free
Eric:  No - it's $15

Then I look at Eric as if I'm trying to figure out which orafice I'm going to reach in to pull his liver out of his body

Eric: Don't worry about it dog - I'll take care of you.  Just come see me when you're done to sign up.

Thanks Eric.  Awesome.  So I lift a little and then hit the treadmill.  And then try another treadmill when that one can't go faster than 5.  And then try another one when that one won't start.  Treadmill #4 worked like a champ and I did some intervals and ran a total of 6 miles.  I then hit the showers and only had to try two of them before finding one that worked.  Somehow I forgot to go see Eric on my way out.  I'm not even sure I want my other 2 days. 

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