Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm just not feeling well

I did three miles on the elliptical yesterday. It was so windy here all day yesterday there was no way I was going outside. But I really didn't want to go at all, and I only did three miles. Today I did go outside, but just could NOT bring myself to run, I walked two miles.

And I slept like twelve hours last night! And kept waking up all hot and sweaty. Usually on the weekends I am all about pushing myself, but I just think I must be getting sick or something this weekend.


  1. Ooh, yeah, sounds like you best take it easy for a few days. Naps! and orange juice!

  2. I'll take it easy as far as exercise, but it seems like for me if I stop exercising all together when I am sick it only makes it worse and makes it last longer.


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