Monday, January 17, 2011

Gonna go

Marianne I hope I didn't offend you with the question about the insoles.
Sandy I'm sorry Sophie is fat but I'm glad it motivated you!
I'm letting my breakfast settle before I go out for 3 miles. I'm not running, and I'm not even trying to walk real fast. I'm just making sure I go. I'm sore from yesterday but it's not too bad. I was really, really tired last night.
I think the best way for me to train for the warrior dash is to find a place with a rock wall that I can climb. That will train me for climbing the cargo net, the hay bales and the wall, and also for rappelling. I had better build some strength before I even try that, so I'm going to do Marianne's strength building routine. Marianne are planks the ones where you hold yourself up with your forearms and toes?


  1. Hell no, you didn't offend me! I was kind of amused, but not offended.


  2. Yes, that is the planks I am talking about. Although right now, I only go up to my knees, since that's how weak my core is!!


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