Sunday, February 10, 2013

Second Lap

Is this the wrong way to go looking for a sign to get off this road
Cause someone once told me if there's a road to happiness
I must have passed it long ago

At this point, all of the mile marker signs had been blown down by the wind.  The wind wasn't super crazy, except in the downtown section of the run.  I cursed the Venturi effect - that's right - I think about complex things when I run.  (OK - I don't really know what it means, but someone once told me it is why it is super windy in between tall buildings).  Anyway - the second lap was a bit of a drag.  Hard to know how far along I was, tired, and my legs were starting to hurt.  And then I was victimized by the power of suggestion.  There was a family watching the race in the middle of the course (good spot - they got to see everyone 6 times), and the children were handing out Mardi Gras beads to runners.  The woman next to me stopped and asked them if they had any Vaseline.  Because these things go together?  Or because she was desperate?  No matter, but immediately after that I started being very aware of my shirt rubbing on me.  Thanks a lot.

I slogged through the second lap, walking at every beverage station (I used to really like regular Gatorade, but while I was out of the country they really screwed it up), but still feeling OK.  A little bit of leg stiffness, but no dead leg.  I crossed the Finish Line for the second time and saw the time read 1:25, which was a couple minutes behind where I wanted to be, but not terrible.  And I had only been lapped by a couple of runners - and they were full grown.  The small children must have had somewhere better to be this weekend.

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