Wednesday, November 14, 2012

But the day will come . . .

But the day will come when it falls like a cheap house of plastic.
And the cards that were dealt, will be tossed like a storm in the sky.
'Cause you can only lie for so long before you get something drastic
- Airborne Toxic Event, Kids Are Ready To Die
Today I did something fun, I played my iPod alphabetically so I got some songs I haven't heard in awhile and some I've probably never listened to like this one. It's a good one if you like ATE. So I ran on the mountain and had a great workout of 4.5 miles. I passes a Lo e guy and then a couple when I was running, and then they passed me when I was walking, and then I passed them again when I was running and left them in the dust. It was fun. Then I went to the gym to take a steam. And that is where I saw this disturbing sight.
Do you see anything wrong with this picture? I was appalled that someone would so blatantly run in unmatched socks!! And then leave the evidence out in the open to flaunt her anarchy! I was greatly disturbed by the sight of this callous disregard for order as I left for the hot tub, and there it was to greet me again after my shower. I was so disturbed I had to take a picture. It even bothers me when my kids wear unmatching socks of the same color, ie if one is Nike and the other Addidas. The eradication of bastard socks is one of the driving impulses of my life (perhaps I need to examine this more deeply), and I spend hours trying to solve the problem in my own house and set the world right. Let's be real - these socks will never find their rightful partners again. I weep.

1 comment:

  1. The thing is, sometimes one sock of one color gets a hole in it, and one sock of another color gets a hole in it. Do you just throw out four socks? I just only throw out the two with holes, and match the ones that don't have holes together.


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